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Added link to Blind Producers server on Discord
Updated info on ReaHotkey
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This is an open source AutoHotkey script developed by Matej Golian and Toni Barth. It aims to make certain virtual instruments/sample libraries and related software at least a little more accessible to blind users. It is primarily designed to run in tandem with the REAPER digital audio workstation, although in particular cases standalone versions of programs/instruments may be supported as well.
This is an open source AutoHotkey script developed by Matej Golian and Toni Barth. It aims to make certain virtual instruments/sample libraries and related software at least a little more accessible to blind users. It is primarily designed to run in tandem with the REAPER digital audio workstation, although in particular cases standalone versions of programs/instruments may be supported as well.

As of July 2024, here's a summary of the software that ReaHotkey can help you get some amount of access in:
As of February 2025, here's a summary of the software that ReaHotkey can help you get some amount of access in:

Dubler 2.2 standalone by Vochlea, Best Service Engine 2, various FabFilter plug-ins, Komplete Kontrol V3 menus and Preferences, Kontakt 7.10 or newer, various Audio Imperia libraries, Plogue sforzando.
Dubler 2.2 standalone by Vochlea, Best Service Engine 2, various FabFilter plug-ins, Komplete Kontrol V3 menus and Preferences, Kontakt 7.10 or newer, various Audio Imperia, Cinematic Studio Series, Impact Soundworks and Soundiron libraries, Plogue sforzando, Zampler by Synapse Audio.

[ Check out the ReadMe on GitHub for setup instructions and keystrokes.]
[ Check out the ReadMe on GitHub for setup instructions and keystrokes.]

Latest revision as of 20:07, 1 March 2025

Useful Links and Resources

Other Reaper Specific Resources

In addition to the already mentioned sws extensions, there are some more packs and sites (usually created by users) that further extend the functionality and knowledge of reaper. A (hopefully) comprehensive list of these follows. Please note that the accessibility of some of those is not thoroughly tested and cannot be guaranteed. However, you might find something fun or useful here, Who knows?

  • mentioned in the manual and elsewhere, there is the reaper stash, where you can download presets, scripts, instrument banks, themes, language packs and so on.
  • The cockos wiki has documentation available for many of the other supplied effects that are not in the ReaEffects guide
  • ReaPack is a freeware utility which manages and installs user created scripts for a really vast number of tricks and functions. Its interface is accessible.
  • playtime is a paid vst especially designed for Reaper which claims to add Ableton Live like features and functionality. Currently not an accessible utility.
  • For some nice free sampled acoustic drums there are several versions of this kit, which was originally and especially designed to use reaper's only stock plug-ins. And a few complementary professionally designed free grooves from groovemonkee to go with it.
  • Vordio is a free audio post production workflow tool that converts XML exported from an NLE video project from programs like Final cut Pro, Premiere Pro, or DaVinci Resolve, into a REAPER audio project for audio post production.
  • the reaper blog provides paid one on one support, lots of free learning materials for reaper, plug-in reviews, tips, tutorials and more.
  • The Ambisonic Toolkit "brings together a number of classic and novel tools for the artist working with Ambisonic surround sound." A set of reaper js effects scripts are available from their site.
  • AA translator is a paid utility that aims to convert sessions or projects files from different DAWS.
  • Last but not least, there are accessible spectrum (frequency) analysis, phase analysis and peak meter vst tools you can use in reaper.

This wiki also has been archived offline in wikiSyntax form only, for now.

User Groups, Community Support and Resources focused on accessibility

Reapers Without Peepers (an email list hosted on

The RWP (Reapers Without Peepers) mailing list, is a very helpful place for those learning or using Reaper. Discussion of Reaper's accessibility via any means on either the Windows or Mac platforms is welcome. You can join RWP here.

Reaper Access (a friendly, active group on WhatsApp)

This WhatsApp group is another source of assistance for people who are interested in learning or indeed already using Reaper. It tends to be higher traffic than RWP. It's a fairly loose, friendly hang, and has proven to be a great place to collaborate and/or get critique. Most of the messages being exchanged day-to-day are voice notes, but people who prefer to text are equally welcome.

To minimize spam, we've unfortunately had to pull down the direct link. Instead, we're going to give you an easy-to-follow description of how you can join. This measure keeps the group readily available to humans, whilst slamming the door firmly in the face of spam bots.

To join the group, you'll need a device with WhatsApp installed (iPhone, Android etc).

Open the browser on your device, and assemble the shortened link described below in your address bar.

  • The link starts with www and a dot, as usual.
  • Then you'll want to type the word tiny, another dot, and the letters cc.
  • Next comes a forward slash.
  • After the forward slash, type the word ReaperAccess exactly as it is written here.
  • Notice that there are no spaces anywhere in the link, and you'll want to make sure that the first letter of Reaper and the first letter of Access are both uppercase.

If you get stuck following those instructions, just subscribe to RWP and let them know that you'd like to be added to the WhatsApp group. Someone will get you hooked up.

The Hoard

This is a community-maintained accessibility-focused resource that's choc full of goodies, including audio and text tutorials, presets for plug-ins and instruments, templates, custom actions and scripts. Everything you'll find on the hoard is free, much of it is open source.

If you've listened to demos and heard talk of a REAPER Dropbox, we outgrew that and retired it. Everything that used to live there is now in The Hoard instead. You no longer need a subscription, it's easier to search and the resources won't be eating up drive space, just dip in whenever you need something.

Visit The Hoard in your browser.

Blind Producers server on Discord

This server has been started by an OSARA user who is keen to foster discussion about REAPER accessibility and wider production topics.

Join Blind Producers on Discord

Resources from Reaper Accessible FR

Lee Julien along with other contributors compiles a growing archive of resources. It includes:

  • CSI (Control Surface Integrator) resources for the Behringer X-Touch Universal
  • Tutorials in French language
  • An alternative to the default OSARA keymap
  • LBL NVDA add-on
  • The free instrument and plugins library, ReaLibrary

Browse the resources in English

Go to home page in French

Free Training and Presentations

Reaper Made Easy: training from The Global Voice

This is the most recently recorded series of free screen reader focused tutorial content that we know of. The first batch of lessons starts right at the beginning, covering concepts and installation of everything you'll need on Windows and Mac. There's plenty more to come over time, you'd be wise to bookmark the Reaper Made Easy landing page.

Tutorials from Toni Barth on YouTube

Toni Barth provides a growing collection of useful tutorials on his YouTube channel. Many are about using REAPER accessibly, including detailed walkthroughs on REAPER's Media Explorer, OSARA's Peak Watcher and more.

You'll find other excellent efforts from Toni further down the page in the Scripts to Enhance Accessibility section. He also hosts The Hoard, this here wiki and helps REAPER Made Easy with technical stuff. Really, the man is a machine.

Ten Typical Tasks with Scott

These are bite-size tutorials covering the basics of editing, recording and using effects. REAPER on Windows is what you'll hear being demoed, but Scott was careful to include keystrokes and notes for Mac folk all the way through.

You can either download a zip file containing the whole series, or browse individual episodes as required.

Ten Typical Tasks took a ton of time and effort to record. If it proves to be useful to you, and you're in a position to be able to support its author, donations sent here will reach Scott. Any amount will be massively appreciated, but hey, financial support is entirely optional.

ReaProducer Pod cast

This free set of audio tutorials by Garth Humphreys and occasional guests can be found at The ReaProducer Standalone Site. If you'd prefer to subscribe, here's the ReaProducer Podcast feed for Apple Podcasts, or here's the RSS feed for other podcast catchers. Most of these episodes have been produced on the Mac, however Garth has always been mindful to make sure that his content is applicable to both platforms.

If you're new to Reaper, it is recommended that you work through the first few tutorials in order. They start with installation, and move through important concepts, such as importing media, recording, and editing with both time selections and items. How to Save and Render projects is also covered, along with side-chaining and an introduction to automation. There really is a ton of useful info contained within these bite-sized tutorials.

Audio Access Youtube Videos

Mohomed Rashad has made many videos on how to use Reaper with a screen reader some with thousands of views. He covers a wide range of topics which start from the very beginning of how to get set up. Audio Access channel home page.

Sound Design With Justin Macleod

Justin Macleod from Skyclad Sound sometimes live streams, mostly on topics around sound design. These sessions are usually part presentation, part exploration, part Q&A. Here's a folder containing recordings of Justin's previous live streams (shout out to Daniel Wolak for hosting).

If you appreciate his efforts, Justin welcomes donations via PayPal.

Chris Belle's Tutorials

Chris Belle has very generously offered a set of free tutorials, which can be downloaded from these two mirrors (mirror link 1) (mirror link 2) They contain the following:

Patrick Perdue on Vocoders

Patrick Perdue recorded a tutorial on using vocoders in REAPER. The stock ReaVocode plugin is explained first, then Patrick demonstrates other third-party vocoders. Download: (mirror 1) (mirror 2)

CAVI Courses (old resources, mainly preserved for posterity)

For a few years, CAVI (Cisco Academy for the Vision Impaired) ran courses designed for people who were getting started with Audio Production. Nowadays the archived courses are showing their age (there have been many changes and much progress made between then and now), but if you're familiar enough with REAPER that you can extrapolate and reapply some of these ideas, you might find things that can be carried forward.

In March 2018, all of the previously available audio related course materials were released for free. CAVI have long since pulled links to the audio, but Daniel Wolak kept them available for years and nowadays they live on The Hoard:

Audio Essentials (2017, Semester 1

REAPER Beginners

REAPER Advanced


Some of the wiki content from previous courses can still be found here.

Old REAPER Podcasts on

Back in 2016, Alex Hiironen and other members of the CoolBlindTech podcast team covered using REAPER accessibly in some episodes, from basics to using effects and virtual instruments.

Note: as above with the CAVI courses, these are mostly mentioned for posterity. You will need to be decently familiar with REAPER to get anything useful from them now.

Scripts to Enhance Accessibility

Most of these utilities and scripts are windows-based, though presets and templates can often be used on Mac as well. Unless otherwise noted, everything here is free to use.

ReaHotkey for Windows

This is an open source AutoHotkey script developed by Matej Golian and Toni Barth. It aims to make certain virtual instruments/sample libraries and related software at least a little more accessible to blind users. It is primarily designed to run in tandem with the REAPER digital audio workstation, although in particular cases standalone versions of programs/instruments may be supported as well.

As of February 2025, here's a summary of the software that ReaHotkey can help you get some amount of access in:

Dubler 2.2 standalone by Vochlea, Best Service Engine 2, various FabFilter plug-ins, Komplete Kontrol V3 menus and Preferences, Kontakt 7.10 or newer, various Audio Imperia, Cinematic Studio Series, Impact Soundworks and Soundiron libraries, Plogue sforzando, Zampler by Synapse Audio.

Check out the ReadMe on GitHub for setup instructions and keystrokes.

Download ReaHotkey from the Releases page on Matej's GitHub.

Toni barth's ReaPack Repository (ReaScripts for Windows and Mac)

This ReaPack repository has a bunch of handy scripts and a handful of plug-ins. Some written by Toni himself, others by Chessel, and other scripters are welcome to send stuff in. Everything you'll find on this repo is accessible by design.

To get the goodies, copy the following URL to your clipboard:

then in REAPER, go to the Extensions menu, ReaPack, choose "Import Repositories" and paste.

Sibiac NVDA Add-on

A sighted programmer from Germany, known as Az, (Alexey Zhelezov) has very generously created the SIBIAC add-on for NVDA which aims to make a growing list of third-party fx or instrument plugins accessible. These include addictive drums 2, toontrack EzMix 2, and the worldwide renowned Melodyne, among many others.

accessibility bundle from Sonorous Arts Group

Accessibility Bundle is a free set of screen reader independent, easy to use helpers packed into one Windows application, which aims to make different pieces of software more accessible for the blind and visually impaired. This set was created with integrity and portability in mind; No registrations needed, no installers and no launching separate scripts for each piece of software. Run once, use anywhere.

As of version 1.0.2 (released July 2024), it supports Xfer Serum, Tone2 Icarus 1.6, Native Instruments Kontakt 6 and UVI Workstation.

Download and read more about Accessibility Bundle here

Access4Music Scripts and Utilities (some free, some paid, all for Windows)

This is a collection of links that point to scripts that allow the user to access various third-party software instruments and as well as enhancing the accessibility of REAPER's MIDI Event List. Access4Music is Gianluca and Fabri, Italian visually impaired programmers.

Free NumPad and Applications Key Emulation Scripts

If you're using a laptop that doesn't have an embedded numeric keypad but you'd still like to use those keys in REAPER, here is a NumPad emulator script by Andrew Downie mirrored on GoogleDrive.

You can get the source code here. (mirrored on GoogleDrive.

A nifty feature of Andrew's script is it can remind you if you've accidentally left the NumPad emulation turned on by a series of beeps. You can configure how often you get reminded, or choose not to be. The script activates the NumPad emulation by default as soon as it is opened. It also displays a dialog box with configuration options and a list of the hotkeys used.

Hopefully self-explanatory by design, but if you get stuck, Andrew has been known to haunt RWP from time to time.

The Access4Music team offers some free utilities, such as an Applications key emulation script and a handy tweak which makes it possible to read individual columns in Reaper's MIDI Event List on Windows.

a list of third party accessible instruments and effects

Note: this probably needs its own page if it grows too much? (see or start a discussion on this topic)

Even though most virtual instruments and effects are highly visually oriented, some of those are being successfully controlled and used by blind and visually impaired people via a combination of automation parameters, OCR and various bolt-on scripted solutions. The choices mentioned on this page are a loosely organized, non-exhaustive list of feedback compiled from all corners of the Reaper accessibility community. Discussing automation parameters from the ground up is certainly beyond the scope of this page, instead, you're more likely to find hints on which parameters of an instrument or plugin can be manipulated using OSARA's Parameters dialog, or tips on parameters that are misleadingly labelled, to take a few examples at random. It is recommended, but not always necessary that plugins are opened in bridged mode with dedicated process per plugin (most often the case if you're attempting to access a plugin with an AutoHotkey script from the likes of Access4Music). Brace yourselves, there are MANY of them. User reports follow:

Waves Accessibility

The presets for most Waves plugins are accessible when loaded in VST3 mode. Parameters are labeled correctly and most will provide real-world values. Notable (but likely not the only) exceptions are Waves Tune LT, GTR3 Stomps and GTR3 Tool Rack (where the stomp box parameters are not labeled because they are interchangeable). Sibiac provides some accessibility to the GTR3 Tool Rack plugin.

  • All of the reverbs, including renaissance, trueVerb, echo. Built in Presets are selectable from the slider as well, but cannot be edited from the text box. Also, when setting parameters like frequency ranges (in hertz) or room sizes for the reverbs the editable field shows values that do not correspond at all with the reported parameters so its better to just stick to the slider when manipulating those effects.
  • RVox (a vocal compressor) and C6 (a multi-band compressor/equalizer) can be used without any problems as well.
  • GTR3: The accessibility isn’t quite as good as some of their other plugs (not all the parameters show formatted values) The only labeled parameter is the on/off switch for each box, so that will help you find out which box is which. The GTR3 Tool Rack requires a golden cursor location to load presets properly, but is doable with no problems, which when loaded will prompt an accessible context menu. It’s also very modular, so you can access just stomps, just amps/cabs etc as separate plugs and use the fx chain to switch around the order of those boxes if you want. Reaper user Gerad Deuvall has created a youtube video demonstrating its use

PianoTeq 6

All of the presets for pianos, harps ETC are now visible to reaper. Just go to the FX window by hitting F on the track that has PianoTeq instantiated on it, tab to the Presets combo box and use your ArrowUp and ArrowDown keys to navigate the choices.

Since version 6.1, automatable parameters are accessible in the OSARA Parameters dialog. However, changing between the different pianos is a bit tricky. Here's a suggested way of doing it: Press F on the relevant track to open the FX window, make sure PianoTeq is selected in the FX chain list box, then tab until you find an unlabelled check box. Using NVDA's object navigation, go to the next object (note that you need to use object nav, you can't tab to this area of the screen). It's reported as "unknown" by NVDA. Using NVDA+Shift+NumPadMinus, set focus to that "unknown" object. That object is the PianoTeq GUI itself, and it isn't accessible, but once focused, it does react to some key presses. Control+N switches between categories of instruments, and N switches from instrument to instrument. Your controller will continue working while you are interacting with the inaccessible GUI, so you can play a few notes, hit N, play some more, and so on until you've found a preset you like. Performing OCR may even tell you which preset that was.

Omnisphere 2

Omnisphere is partially accessible if you're comfortable with concepts like review cursor in screen mode, object navigation with the use of the number pad, simulated clicking and relocating cursor. This also means that expansions like Keyscape, Trilion, ETC. will work too. You can change preset banks, select visible lists and some other settings. To navigate more presets, you will have to scroll with a mouse wheel.

After the plugin is instantiated in REAPER’s FX Window, use Shift+Tab to move to the “Add” button, then press UpArrow to get into Omnisphere’s GUI. Use NVDA’s screen review to navigate to the area where NVDA will report “software version x.x, or sound sources version x.x" (where x is the version you’re using). Move the mouse pointer to this information with NVDA+NumPad+Slash, and press the NumPad+Slash to click. You’ll be taken to the library tab of the plugin GUI. Using screen review, you’ll find some category filters such as type of sound, (for example, bells and vibs, ARP+BPM, etc). Filter the sounds as needed by selecting the appropriate filter using the above commands. Once again, they're NVDA+NumPad+Slash to move the mouse pointer to the desired item, and NumPad+Slash to click. The list of sounds in the category you've chosen will appear on the right of the screen, after where NVDA says: “normal”. Still using screen review, select your first sound and play your keyboard to see whether you like it. Once the first sound has been clicked, you'll be able to navigate through other sounds in that category using UpArrow and DownArrow. Note that the sound list wraps; that means if you have reached the last sound on the list, when you press DownArrow again, you’ll be at the very first sound.

Hint: if you need to open another instance of Omnisphere during your session, from that instance of the plugin onward, you’ll be taken directly to the Library tab. It's recommended to save any sounds you like as user presets by hitting Shift+Space on the Plus button in REAPER's FX window. This will enable you to recall them quickly without having to muck about in the plugin GUI as described above every time.

Addictive Drums 2

You can make some changes and preset selections with OCR. You can also change kit pieces and presets, but it's limited.

For NVDA, the Sibiac framework allows almost complete operation (except for MIDI groove selection). You can get more info on Sibiac here

iZotope Plugins

  • Nectar 2 and Neutron 2: once you find the Presets menu with OCR, you can browse the subcategories with NVDA speech, using the arrow keys, however, the main category title is not announced. It behaves like a folder tree though.
  • Nectar elements: in addition to parameters being reported correctly, there is a user created rpl (reaper presets library) file which allows these to be selected just like any other preset from the regular effects dialog. It contains all presets of Nectar Elements, plus two special packs: Styles 1 and Utility pack. Many thanks to Alan Escola. The file can be found via this dropbox link (mirror 1) (mirror 2)
  • iZotope OZone 8: Once you find the preset menu with OCR, a dialog box will pop up and you can arrow through the presets with speech.
  • The iZotope DDLY Dynamic Delay and iZotope Vinyl plugins are all properly labeled from the parameter list. The DDLY plugin allows two different delays to be applied to the same track, and can be downloaded as a trial if you want to see it for yourself. The Vinyl plugin is free, and adds a vinyl noise effect to the track which you apply it to.

Cakewalk Dimension Pro

Use OCR to find the preset selection, and when you hit enter, an accessible dialog box will pop up. Scripts are also available at the music access site.

Superior Drummer 2

OCR works okay with this in Classic Mode since all kit pieces are stationary, no matter the expansion selected. Problem is, you have to use OCR to go to some menus to select classic mode, then from there, you have to find some text, move your cursor slightly above, and right click and you will be able to read the context menus with speech for kit selection pieces. The Learn button is also somewhat visible, making this extremely tricky but can be done. Probably not worth the headaches though.

Scripts are also available at the music access site.

SoniVox VSTs

I've noticed that SoniVox VSTs are accessible. You can just tab down to the presets menus, and it lists all the different instruments there. I have SoniVox Orchestra companion Strings, Brass, and woodwinds, and they all work in that exact same way. I also have SoniVox's Harpsichord, session drummer, classic bass, big band percussion, and singles taylor acoustic guitar and they all work perfectly accessibility wise. Also The classic series of plugs work well, the free ones you can download from Mixcraft - classic delay, reverb, eq, chorus, that entire set of plugs.

Sugar Bytes

The Sugar Bytes Unique virtual synthesizer is a virtual synth that specializes in vowel sounds. The parameters are visible in the list but are not labeled, but the preset list is accessible from the dropdown list that is found in the FX chain window. It can be downloaded as a trial as well.

Versilian Studios

Versilian Studios makes a ton of free and extremely affordable plugins that all seem to be fully accessible. I've purchased a couple and have all the free ones, and have had no issues with the standalone versions, and I believe there are Kontakt versions of many of the plugins as well. However, note that the VSCO instruments are strictly Kontakt instruments, except for the community edition which is a free library of raw wave files from the Kontakt versions.

Korg Virtual Instruments

  • KORG Legacy: when I modify some parameters they do not cause any effect. Example, with KORG MS-20. It is a monophonic (or polyphonic) analog synthesizer from the 70s. There are some presets that are polyphonic, when I modify the parameter that is used to change the polyphony, I can not do it even though I used the slide bar in the corresponding parameter. It is something strange. The same happens with other parameters. Almost all parameters have a name, but some do not. Not only happens with the MS-20, it also happens with MonoPoly and Polysix. they are all from KORG Legacy.
  • WaveStation and M1, there are no problems. WaveStation parameters are accessible through the GUI, while some can be accessed in the FX parameters box.

Yamaha SYXG 50, GM compatible sounds suitable for low resource machines

For those wanting a GM compatible synth that will run on older machines with limited resources, here is a free port of a Yamaha soft synth. Its sounds are basic, but it's decent for sketching ideas.