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wiki de Reaper acccesible
créditos de traducción para este wiki: Juan Pablo Bello, Alfredo Delgado
REAPER es una aplicación de producción de audio digital completa para Windows y Mac OS X, ofreciendo una solución y un juego de herramientas multipista para la grabación, edición, procesamiento, mezcla y masterización de audio y MIDI. Esta wiki proporciona información para usuarios ciegos de Reaper. Si eres un músico, compositor, podcaster o editor de audio y video, Reaper puede más que satisfacer tus necesidades.
para empezar, quizá quieras leer cómo descargar e instalar Reaper, Osara y las extensiones SWS. También puedes echarle un vistazo a estos enlaces y recursos útiles y a los sitios archivados.
Also, we are starting to make accessible and adapt the following official documents, found on the reaper website and some others:
- official reaper user guide. Thanks to the author of the users guide, Geoffrey Francis' abundant generosity and patience the document is now properly tagged and can be read using your preferred screen reader and pdf reader. download from reaper's official site
- ReaEffects guide
- the Reaper plus! the power of sws extensions
Below you will find a contents section that lists every Reaper Accessibility article on this site written for users, by users of the reaper accessibility community.
Contents (user written articles)
- Getting Started (Downloading and Installing Reaper With accessibility
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Making Your First Recording In Reaper
- basic editing tasks in reaper
- Enabling Midi Devices
- some ideas for editing midi in reaper using osara
- tips for mac users
- Monitoring levels when you can't see the meters
- Tracks And Track Folders
- Track Templates
- Project Templates
- The fast and easy way to understand compression and reaComp accessibility
- Setting Up a Side Chain with Reacomp
- tapeStop effect using stretch markers
- Implementing accessible automation
- Rendering and Exporting Tracks and Projects
- Reaper Preferences To Save Disc Space
- overview of Reaper Preferences (General)
- Loop or beat slicing using reaSamploMatic
- Ideas for video editing
- SIBIAC add on for NVDA an addon which aims to make third party fx or instrument plug-ins accessible
- Reaper and Osara Cookbook A problem and solution style guide to many tasks using Reaper with the Osara extension.
- Useful Links and resources