ideas para la edición de video en reaper

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Revision as of 00:57, 3 February 2025 by Ultraleetj (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Cuando haya un clip, o ítem de video en una pista, se puede abrir el diálogo de efectos e insertar el efecto video processor o procesador de video. Después de insertarlo, se puede navegar con tab, y usar el cuadro combinado con los presets para hacer varias tareas. En el caso del uso de fades, vamos a elegir el llamado: basic helpers item fades affect video. Es posible que haya que usar las teclas de avance o retroceso página si las flechas no funcionan. Luego se pu...")
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Este artículo intentará explicar las formas en que se pueden editar y manipular videos, en su mayor parte sin necesidad de ver.


Antes de empezar asegúrate de que el reproductor vlc esté instalado, ya que Reaper podrá leer y reproducir una mayor variedad de videos usando sus códecs (se recomienda la versión de 64 bits desde 2024). Además, usaremos opcionalmentehandbrakepara transcodificar vídeos a formatos populares con mucho más control de salida . Importante tener en cuenta que esta herramienta parece ser solo de 64 bits.

También necesitamos instalar los códecs adecuados que funcionan en Reaper 6.43 y versiones posteriores, específicamente FFMPEG 4.4. Esto nos permitirá exportar videos con una cantidad mínima de pasos directamente a formatos comúnmente utilizados en redes sociales. Descargas para ffmpeg, última versión compatible con REAPER:

Cómo instalar:

  • abre Reaper, luego ve al menú de opciones, luego selecciona Mostrar ruta de recursos de REAPER en el explorador/buscador.
  • o alternativamente en Windows, presione la tecla Windows más r, luego copia y pega:
  • %appdata%\REAPER\UserPlugins
  • o si usas una instalación de Reaper portable o alguna otra configuración que no incluya las ubicaciones predeterminadas, busca la carpeta de complementos del usuario donde se instaló osara.

Ahora, extrae todos los archivos dll (windows) o todos los archivos (mac) del directorio .bin dentro del archivo zip que se descargó directamente en la carpeta userPlugins. No hay necesidad real de reiniciar Reaper después de este paso. Después de esto, Reaper tendrá todos los códecs y la información necesaria para trabajar abriendo y exportando videos.

Las instrucciones que encontrarás aquí están orientadas a Windows y NVDA y utilizan la versión 7.32 de Reaper, pero lo más probable es que se puedan aplicar con éxito a Jaws y otros lectores de pantalla y versiones de Reaper. Además, se asume una comprensión básica de la automatización y el uso del diálogo de parámetros de Osara. Debes recordar que para que las personas puedan ver los cambios, la ventana de video del menú Ver debe estar habilitada. Sin embargo, puedes editar videos sin usar la ventana de video. Probablemente no hace falta decirlo, pero es mejor tener orientación o retroalimentación en tiempo real al ajustar los parámetros, etc. En la mayoría de los casos, se puede dejar abierto el cuadro de diálogo de parámetros de Osara ya que la vista no quedará obstruida.

También es importante configurar las unidades de regla en el menú Ver para que funcionen en términos de tiempo en lugar de pulsos y compases, a menos que, por supuesto, se opte por esa forma de trabajar.

Ve a preferencias, video y configura la salida para que sea OpenGL - Automático (preferido). Esto garantizará la estabilidad del rendimiento y toda la potencia disponible en la tarjeta gráfica para realizar operaciones de video. También se puede verificar que los decodificadores estén instalados correctamente usando el botón Mostrar información del decodificador, y el campo de texto debe mostrar algo como:

== VLC ==

VLC v3.0.x Loaded from: C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC y

== ffmpeg/libav ==

ffmpeg/libav DLL decoder v58.91.100 Cargado desde: C\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\REAPER\UserPlugins\avcodec-58.dll

tareas de edición de video

Lo primero que deberás hacer es insertar un archivo multimedia en una pista en blanco de un nuevo proyecto. Una vez que puedas confirmar que el video se ha importado correctamente al reproducirlo, es hora de comenzar a editar.

operaciones básicas de edición de video

La edición básica de vídeo en Reaper funciona exactamente igual que la edición de audio. Esto significa que se puede dividir y mover elementos, copiarlos y pegarlos, reorganizarlos, recortarlos según una selección de tiempo, etc. También puedes editar el audio, por ejemplo agregando un efecto de reducción de ruido o usando ecualización para enmascarar el ruido del viento. Esto no afectará el vídeo.

Procesador de video estándar de Reaper

Este pequeño plug-in es lo que puede hacer que Reaper haga más cosas con video. No es 100% accesible, pero puedes realizar algunas tareas con él. Ten en cuenta que puedes insertar o hacer muchas copias de este plug/in de efectos para que un procesador de vídeo controle los fundidos (fades), otro controle los títulos, etc. Sería prudente renombrarlos si este es el caso, aunque se cambia el nombre automáticamente cuando se eligen presets para reflejar lo que hace cada instancia del procesador.

Otra cosa importante a mencionar es la ventana de saltar al tiempo. Al abrirla desde el menú Ver o usar control o comando más J, aparece un cuadro de edición. Especifica el tiempo, ya sea expresado como minuto:ssegundo.milisegundo, NúmeroCompás|pulso|porcentaje, compás.pulso.porcentaje o cualquier forma similar

Agregando fades y haciendo transiciones

Hay diferencias sutiles entre fades y transiciones, pero son esencialmente disipaciones o incrementos graduales en nitidez de imagen o volumen de sonido.

Cuando haya un clip, o ítem de video en una pista, se puede abrir el diálogo de efectos e insertar el efecto video processor o procesador de video. Después de insertarlo, se puede navegar con tab, y usar el cuadro combinado con los presets para hacer varias tareas. En el caso del uso de fades, vamos a elegir el llamado: basic helpers item fades affect video. Es posible que haya que usar las teclas de avance o retroceso página si las flechas no funcionan. Luego se puede usar el diálogo de Osara o el diálogo Propiedades de ítems para establecer Fades, su duración y su velocidad. Para crear una transición o un fundido cruzado de video, asegúrate de que los elementos se superpongan un poco y luego se desvanezcan y reaparezcan seguido, o que tengan un fade out y un fade in uno inmediatamente después del otro. Mientras el audio suene bien, el video también se verá bien. La imagen se desvanecerá al color negro cuando se desvanezca, y pasará de oscuro a claro cuando aparece.

inserting titles

This procedure is now accessible thanks to accessibility improvements in recent reaper versions. For inserting titles, go to the video processor and choose the overlay: text/timecode preset. Then tab around and you will find an edit box called video processor editable code area. From here you can use regular edit box controls. Find near the top the line that says

  1. text=""; // set to string to override

Between the quotation marks after the equals sign insert or paste the title or text you want. You can also change the font, size, position by editing some more code. When you finish, Press control plus s to save changes and then press escape to close the fx window. You now have your first title! It will show during the entire video, unless you use automation to control this. If you want to eventually include more titles, you can add more instances of the video processor plug-in within the fx chain.

setting zoom, opacity and pan

The video processor has a preset called basic helpers: track zoom/opacity/pan. Even though you can edit code from the fx chain window, its more intuitive to use osara's parameter list to adjust parameters. (when setting any of these relevant parameters it is recommended to stick to the slider. Edit box provides impractical values. Only page up and down keys may be used.

  • the opacity value sets the transparency of the video. Default is at 100% (video is fully visible)
  • the zoom parameter will zoom in (make bigger and closer) the video when values are higher and zoom out the video when values are smaller.
  • The y offset will move the video vertically (values above 50% are up)
  • the x offset will move the video from left to right, with higher values being the right side.
  • you can rotate the video as well.

using autiomation

You can bring the power of automation to video effects. The procedure is exactly the same described in the linked article, so a few tips which are relevant to video follow:

  • for effects which need an immediate transition, for instance showing or hiding the text overlays, use square shapes on the automation points. For zooming in the other hand, you may use other curves and shapes for more gradual adjustments over time.
  • you will want to select and enable the bypass envelope for every instance of the video processor or processors that you intend to use for the titles and the ending credits, if any.
  • Insert points when you want the title to show and when you want it to stop (the first point is already inserted for you anyway) So in the case of the first title you should go into the video for the duration you want the first one to show, then insert a point there and set the point to bypass, or 1.000.
  • For the rest, you should set the first point to bypass, insert another one for normal (to show the title) and a last one to bypass. This is true except on the last one which will show the credits so you would not need to bypass it at the end.

Automation can also be used to give some effects to the text. For example, you can get the title to be very small, and then grow large at the beginning, using the text height parameter. there is also a more detailed procedure that describes what you need to set in chapter 20 of the reaper user guide to achieve this and it goes over how to create titles... the instructions are just not as accessible as they have been presented here.

working with multiple video tracks and other video tips

Reaper follows the same logic that most video editing programs use. If you insert multiple video items one per track, it will give priority to the one that is at the top. So even though you might have two videos playing at the same time, only the one in the top most track will be visible. This allows for interesting shifting of camera focus when you have a video that was done using multiple cameras. In this case, you would need to automate the mute envelope for each track, and then toggle it according to what you want. The points will have to be lined up so when a track is muted, the other one is unmuted right at the same time. There is also an option in the preferences which inverts this, so that tracks at the bottom of the list will have the hhighest priority.

You can use the item properties dialog to display a lot of useful information, and also to ignore the audio of a video (if you have for example an audio mix of a musical track you were recording live and want to use that audio instead). Just make sure the audio you want to use is the track with the lowest priority.

If you want to make a quick video using a sound file and a photo, this is possible too. The reaper community has been rather conspicuously quiet with this. You should insert the picture first, then the audio file. Go to the properties for the audio file and copy the value for its length to the clipboard. Then go to the image item and paste the length of your audio item from clipboard and you are all set! as long as loop source is checked. In this case, the picture will be showing for as long as the video is playing.

other video editing considerations

Some people will notice that when playing back a video item, or editing a video in reaper their computer's performance may dip or be sluggish or slow. Unfortunately, there is not much to this other than either expand your ram memory, or troubleshoot or upgrade your graphics card which is responsible for almost all image processing. If its too slow or performance is really bad, ensure that you have upgraded reaper to at least version 7.12 as many fixes have been provided and under preferences, video section output is set to OpenGL - Automatic (preferred).

In some cases, when working with multiple tracks some people might report that when muting and unmuting between tracks that contain video, this will make the program supposedly lag and show a blank frame. As much as this is visible, the reality is that if you have indeed muted a track and subsequently unmuted another one at exactly the same point in the timeline, there will be no dropped or blank frames whatsoever when exporting or rendering, so it might very well be a computer component which is causing the issue, or just that your computer cannot keep up with the processing.

rendering video

So now you have a video masterpiece. You are almost ready to export your video and tell the world about it! the dialog is accessed exactly the same and is in fact, the same you use to render audio. For most people, the following method proves to be consistent and reliable, though thanks to new advances in reaper and support for FFMPEG and vlc, its possible to export directly from reaper to mp4, see below.

method 1, detailed output format control

First, render your video with the following settings in Reaper : MKV container, HUFFYUV video codec, 24 bit PCM audio This will produce a rather large file. Check your video dimensions and frame rate before starting the render, so they match the source video in your timeline. Now use that resulting file as a source video and open it in Handbrake, pick your preset and where Handbrake should save your video, and off you go.

Handbrake and other video encoding applications offer much better control over the target format. You produce an excellent source with Reaper and use the best video encoding applications to produce your desired results.

method 2: Exporting video directly from reaper

This method has been tested with the mp4 format. It presents a very reasonable size with no apparent loss or quality degradation. Tldr: choose the video format, set it as Video (ffmpeg/libav encoder) and then use the second combo box box to set the format to QT/MOV/MP4. You can leave all the defaults and then append the desired extension to the file name and render, though use a reasonably high bit rate. A more detailed explanation and description follows.

  • First, choose the video output format in the render dialog The option should be Video (ffmpeg/libav encoder)
  • Then use the second combo box box to set the format to QT/MOV/MP4
  • Check or adjust your resolution or dimensions,, though for most tasks including youtube upload the default 1920×1080 is good.
  • then comes the frames per second. Default of 30.0 is also good for most applications.
  • In video codec you should select the more efficient MPEG-2
  • the current default bit rate of 2048 Kpbs should also be good enough for most applications, though when uploading to social media use at least 8192.
    • When using other codecs, there is a number you have to type. This refers most likely to quality setting. In h.264 or MPEG, which are not as efficient, reaper will not transcode things lower than 25% but these options are there if you need them for legacy devices or programs.
  • You can leave audio settings as they are, or tweak them but beware that most containers require certain specific audio formats so that video plays back correctly.
  • finally, when naming the file, you simply put the extension you want at the end of the file name (such as demo.mp4 or demo.avi) and the encoding will take place according to this.

You can follow this link for more information on video codecs and containers.

the final result

For demo purposes and to describe and recap what we have done, this section was purposefully placed last. in this simple music homemade video the following happens:

  1. The title and artist of the first tune appears, going from small to large for about 10 seconds (automating the text size and height parameters), then disappearing completely (automating the bypass parameter).
  2. The video fades and the audio fades do match, so as the music volume goes down, the video fades into black. As the music volume comes up (bigger cross fade) the video also emerges again
  3. Immediately after this, the second title and artist of the second song is displayed for about 10 seconds
  4. More video and audio crossfades again, and the third title comes in for about 10 seconds.
  5. At the end of the video, credits are shown for about 8 seconds and the video again fades to black. All titles are located in the bottom lower part of the screen, centered so they do not interfere with what is being shown in the video. This was achieved by tweaking the x and y position parameters.